Real Estate Branding Berlin

Branding Berlin

Over the past years Less Rain has been involved in real estate company branding and the branding of new property developments for various property and city developers. We accompany clients with naming, corporate design development processes, design logos, create exclusive- but also also pragmatic marketing materials.

Our latest offers for the real estate sector include CGI visualisation and the production for VR and AR. On this page we showcase our latest projects for Signa and covivio. Further down you find links to the brand creation of stofanel and tti-group, showrooms for nion and brand and marketing concepts for belius, the “transit underground” and the Japan town project “nion”etc.

Beam Branding Berlin Day

Less Rain has been involved in the naming and branding of new property developments, most recently for Schönhauser 9 and Beam, two projects in Berlin Mitte. Developed by Signa Real Estate and planned by Pott Architects, the buildings offer large, modern rental spaces for retail, gastronomy and offices.

Rather than just presenting cold, hard facts, Less Rain created stories around both buildings, with interviews and testimonials from neighbours as well as potential tenants from targeted industries –  start-ups for example, with a demand for highly flexible spaces that can accommodate changing company sizes.

Those stories highlight certain aspects of the buildings, for example office sizes and layouts, bicycle garages with e-bike chargers, or the spacious roof-top terraces that can be used to relax, but also as alternative outdoor work spaces.

For marketing we created a flexible template for both a printed brochure and an online version, that can be customised to reflect the architecture of each building.

BEAM Cover
Berlin Mitte Map
BEAM Branding Evening

Construction Fence Design

Bauzaun Design + 3D Visualisation

Covivio Branding
Potsdam Blurred
SH9 Book Berlin